Wednesday, December 17, 2008

[vb6] Rubber banding the easy way

Most vector graphics programs let you draw a straight line by pressing a mouse button and then, holding the button down, moving the mouse to the where the line should end and then releasing the mouse button. In other words, a new temporary line is drawn whenever the mouse is moved with the button down (so-called rubber banding). If you try to implement this, you run into the problem of how to erase the previous temporary line, as the mouse is moved, especially if the background is anything but a single color. The solution is very simple: Set the Drawmode property of the form or picturebox (or whatever) to 10 - Not Xor Pen. With this drawmode you can undo any drawing operation by repeating it. Draw each temporary line twice - first to erase the previous temp line, second to draw the new one.

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